An Update and Time to Move Forward

Urban Brother and Urban Boy Beside the New Trolley Signs, Knoxville, March 2017
Urban Brother and Urban Boy Beside the New Trolley Signs, Knoxville, March 2017

It only felt right to follow up on last week’s post before moving forward with more stories from the city. A lot is happening around town, and I need to get back to covering it, for my own sanity and sense-of-purpose as much as for anyone else.

My brother continues to struggle. He was taken off the ventilator last week and has made steps forward and steps backward. Today marks two weeks in the hospital, and he isn’t near being released. We’d hoped he might come home this weekend, but that will clearly not happen. Assume slow and steady progress, which is our hope, and we’ll turn the focus back to the city.

Tomorrow I’ll have guest writers from Appalachian Gastroventures giving their unique take on a downtown restaurant. The Ten Day Planner will continue as competently and carefully compiled each week by my friend Scott McNutt. His great work on that front over the last few years has made everything else I do work so much more easily. There may be other guest writers as well.

I plan to start publishing articles next week, though it may not be every day for a while. I could also be hit with a more difficult period and this plan could fall apart, but I’m hoping it will not. I want you to know that I appreciate each and every one of you for reading, spreading the word, and for all your expressions of support through this difficult time. So, now let’s get back to talking about downtown . . .

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