If you want to be certain your event is included on this calendar, I’ll need your event two weeks in advance. The absolute best way to make sure I include your event is to make a FB event and invite me – two weeks in advance. My FB “events” are the one place I’ll go to every time – if you invite me before I write the post.
If you see an event I’ve missed and you’d like to plug, please comment below. I am no longer able to add to the list events about which I was not informed in advance – it’s just gotten too big, and that’s a good thing. Staying true to the scope of the blog, I’ll only list downtown or near-downtown events. Any number of venues outside of downtown have some great events, but I have to draw a line somewhere. If you want to add those in a comment, that’s fine. Please “Friend” me (Alan Sims) on Facebook and invite me to your events. Look over to the right of this post and not only “friend” me, but “like” Inside of Knoxville. Subscribe (also to the right) to make sure you catch all the posts.
Want to get the word out more directly and get more eyes on your event or business? Consider placing a front page ad! For $500 (or $750 for an ad twice as large) you get a full month exposure with around 70,000 views. Contact me for details @ KnoxvilleUrbanGuy@gmail.com.
Sunday, April 9
- Knoxcentric: Powered by Inside of Knoxville with guest Renee Hoyas of the Tennessee Clean Water Network, WUTK (90.3), 10:00 AM
- Jazz Brunch, Five Bar, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
- Jazz Brunch with Shifflet’s Jazz Benedict, Bistro at the Bijou, Noon – 2:00 PM
- Jazz Brunch, Downtown Grill and Brewery, 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM
- Rhythm and Blooms, A Million Americana Artists (numbers provided are approximate), Old City, 1:30 PM – 1:00 AM, $45 – $190
- Second Sunday Art Activity Day, Knoxville Museum of Art, 1:00 PM – 4:00 PM
- Second Sunday Docent Tour, Knoxville Museum of Art, 2:00 PM (English), 3:00 PM (Spanish)
- “Top Girls,” Clarence Brown Lab Theatre, 2:00 PM, SOLD OUT!
- Sundress Reading Series: Lindsay Tigue, Rosalie Moffett and Arthur Smith, Bar Marley, 2:00 PM – 4:00 PM
- “The Miracle Worker,” Children’s Theatre, 3:00 PM, $12
- NoKno Cinematheque Presents: A league of Their Own, The Central Collective, 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM
- JAZZ in the PARK, James Agee Park, 331 James Agee St., 5:30 PM – 8:00 PM
- An evening with bestselling author Anne Lamott, First Presbyterian Church, 7:00 PM, SOLD OUT!
- Juniper Stinnett with the Paisley Fields, Pilot Light, 8:30 PM, $5
- Wonky Tonk, Preservation Pub, 10:00 PM
Monday, April 10
- Drop-In Figure Drawing, Knoxville Museum of Art, 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM, $10
- WDVX Blue Plate Special: The End of America / Libby DeCamp, Visitor Center, Noon, Free
- “Dr. Keeling’s Curve,” Lawson McGhee Library, Monday, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
- Old North Knoxville Historic District FB Group, Meeting in the Park (rain site: Time Warp Tea Room), Potluck, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM
- Friendlytown Comedy Show, Pilot Light, 7:30 PM
- Something Like Seduction, Preservation Pub, 10:00 PM
- Libby DeCamp, Barley’s, 10:00 PM
Tuesday, April 11
- WDVX Blue Plate Special: Sista Otis / The Big Takeover, Visitor Center, Noon, Free
- Cocktails & Conversation with “Outside In” Artist Jered Sprecher, Knoxville Museum of Art, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
- City Council Meeting, Main Assembly Room, City County Building, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
- Improvised Music by Matt Nelson, Garit Tillman & Jake Edward Smith, Pilot Light, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
- Singer/Songwriter Open Mic, Preservation Pub, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM
- Old Time Jam with Sarah Pirkle, Boyd’s Jig and Reel, 7:15 PM
- Adventure Class III Getting to Know FIRE, Bar Marley, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
- “Top Girls,” Clarence Brown Lab Theatre, 7:30 PM, SOLD OUT!
- Einstein Simplified Comedy Improv Show, Scruffy City Hall, 8:00 PM
- Paperwork with Illiterate Light, Pilot Light, 9:00 PM, $5
- Mike Bagetta’s Torch Songs with Dan Phelps, Barley’s, 10:00 PM
- Lacy Green / The Big Takeover & Jonny Monster, Preservation Pub, 10:00 PM / 11:00 PM

Wednesday, April 12
- Rebranding UT: KAMA April Luncheon, University of Tennessee Visitors Center, 2712 Neyland Dr, 11:30 AM – 1:00 PM
- WDVX Blue Plate Special: BUNCH / Richard Shindell, Visitor Center, Noon, Free
- Knoxville Symphony Orchestra: Q Series, Square Room, Noon – 1:00 PM, $18
- “Friendly Faces: Dr. Andy Holt, President, University of Tennessee, 1959-1970,” Brown Bag Lecture by Dr. Joe Johnson, East Tennessee History Center, Noon – 1:00 PM, Free
- DesignSlam! Knoxville Vol. 4, Schulz Bräu Brewing Company, 126 Bernard Ave., 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
- Book signing with Dawn Coppock, author of “Coppock on Tennessee Adoption Law,” Union Ave. Books, 5:30 PM
- Easter Special! Flat Change Class, hosted by Lady Parts, Crafty Bastard, 6:30 PM – Midnight
- Tennessee Shines presents Jennifer Nicely, Boyd’s Jig and Reel, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM, $7 – $10
- Brown Deacon LaPrise, Bistro at the Bijou, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
- Farm and Forage Dinner with Lost Creek Farm, Central Collective, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM, $75 BYOB
- “Top Girls,” Clarence Brown Lab Theatre, 7:30 PM, SOLD OUT!
- Comedy Night at Scruffy, Scruffy City Hall, 8:00 PM
- Pigeons Playing Ping Pong, The Concourse at The International, 9:00 PM, $10 – $15
- Daikaiju with Mutations and Pirato Ketchup, Pilot Light, 9:00 PM, $5
- Cam Duffy Moore hosts Improv Night, Preservation Pub, 10:00 PM
Thursday, April 13
- WDVX Blue Plate Special: David Dondero / Riverband Reunion, Visitor Center, Noon, Free
- Book signing and discussion with Mary Campbell, author of “Charles Ellis Johnson and the Erotic Mormon Image,” Union Ave. Books, 6:00 PM
- WDVX’s Six O’Clock Swerve featuring Emily Ann Roberts, Barley’s, 6:00 PM – 7:00 PM
- Zentangle Club, The Basement Community Art Studio, 6:30 PM – 8:00 PM, $15
- Easter Bath Basket Workshop, Ijams, 6:00 PM, $25
- Wine Tasting: Spain, Old City Wine Bar, 6:00 PM – 8:00 PM, $20 – $25
- “The Miracle Worker,” Children’s Theatre, 7:00 PM, $12
- “Top Girls,” Clarence Brown Lab Theatre, 7:30 PM, $12 – $15
- Coco Montoya, The Concourse at The International, 7:30 PM, $20
- Ethan Palmer hosts Electric Pheasant Poetry Slam, Scruffy City Hall, 8:00 PM
- Christian Lopez with Don Gallardo, Pretentious Beer Co., 8:00 PM – 11:00 PM, $11.54 – $13.65
- Knoxville Jazz Orchestra presents an evening with Maria Schneider, Bijou Theatre, 8:00 PM, $16 – $36
- Kath Bloom, Pilot Light, 8:00 PM, $10
- Mo Lowda and the Humble with Elysian Feel, Preservation Pub, 9:00 PM
- Jon Dee Graham with Bonnie Whitmore, Barley’s, 10:00 PM
Friday, April 14
- WDVX Blue Plate Special: The Darren Zancan Band / Kirby Sybert & Kalob Griffin, Visitor Center, Noon, Free
- Stations of the Cross, Market Square, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
- Alive after Five presents Aftah Party, Knoxville Museum of Art, 6:30 – 8:30 PM, $5 – $10
- The Design Symposium – What Makes a Livable City?, The Square Room, 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
- “The Miracle Worker,” Children’s Theatre, 7:00 PM, $12
- “Top Girls,” Clarence Brown Lab Theatre, 7:30 PM, SOLD OUT!
- Malcolm Holcombe, Laurel Theatre, 8:00 PM, $8 – $13
- Andy Wood, Bijou Theatre, 8:00 PM, $16 – $17
- Fireside Collective, Boyd’s Jig & Reel, 8:00 PM
- Buku with with DMVU, Ede Gee, OOK Daddy, The Concourse at The International, 9:00 PM, $20
- Bob Knapp, Bistro at the Bijou, 9:00 PM – 11:00 PM
- Tennessee’s Dead, Scruffy City Hall, 9:00 PM
- All Them Witches, Barley’s, 10:00 PM, $5
- Wild Things, Preservation Pub, 10:00 PM
Saturday, April 15
- Mid-Century Modern Home Tour, Mid Mod Collective, 9:00 AM – 4:00 PM, $10
- East Tennessee Marble Documentation Day, East Tennessee History Center, 9:00 AM – Noon, Free
- Knox Lit Exchange Young Adult Workshop, Central Collective, 11:30 AM – 1:30 PM
- WDVX Blue Plate Special: The Young Fables / Krista Shows & Scott Sharpe, Visitor Center, Noon, Free
- “The Miracle Worker,” Children’s Theatre, 1:00 PM / 5:00 PM, $12
- “Top Girls,” Clarence Brown Lab Theatre, 7:30 PM, SOLD OUT!
- Good Sport Night, hosted by the Central Collective, Location TBD, 7:30 PM – 10:00 PM, $56
- The Naughty Knots, Laurel Theatre, 8:00 PM, $8 – $13
- David Francisco And Jordy Searcy, Modern Studio, 8:00 PM, $7 – $10
- Welcome to Night Vale with Erin McKeown, Bijou Theatre, 8:00 PM, SOLD OUT!
- Rodney Parker and 50 Peso Reward with Thrift Store Cowboys, Pretentious Beer Co, 8:00 PM – 11:00 PM, $9.43 – $11.54
- Bad Hatt’rs and Covalence / Cinemechanica with Gamenight, Geometers, and Memoryfox, Pilot Light, 6:00 PM / 9:00 PM, $5 / $5
- Temple, The Concourse at The International, 9:00 PM, $5
- Roots of a Rebellion, Masseuse and Get It Right Band, Scruffy City Hall, 9:00 PM – 2:00 AM
- Treetops CD release party and Milkshake Fatty, Preservation Pub, 9:00 PM
- Chuck Mullican Jazz Bonanza, Bistro at the Bijou, 9:00 PM – 11:00 PM
- Sam Outlaw, Barley’s, 10:00 PM, $5
- M. Ross Perkins, Boyd’s Jig & Reel, 10:00 PM

Sunday, April 16
- Knoxcentric: Powered by Inside of Knoxville Previously Broadcast Episode, WUTK (90.3), 10:00 AM
- Jazz Brunch, Five Bar, 10:00 AM – 3:00 PM
- Jazz Brunch with Shifflet’s Jazz Benedict, Bistro at the Bijou, Noon – 2:00 PM
- Jazz, Brunch Downtown Grill and Brewery, 12:30 PM – 3:30 PM
- “The Miracle Worker,” Children’s Theatre, 3:00 PM, $12
- “Top Girls,” Clarence Brown Lab Theatre, 2:00 PM, SOLD OUT!
- Pale Root, Barley’s, 8:00 PM
- Natty’s Common Roots, Preservation Pub, 10:00 PM
Monday, April 17
- Drop-In Figure Drawing, Knoxville Museum of Art, 10:30 AM – 12:30 PM, $10
- WDVX Blue Plate Special: Tom Savage / The Adam Lopez Trio, Visitor Center, Noon, Free
- Central Business Improvement District (CBID), Knoxville Chamber, 17 Market Square, 5:30 PM – 6:30 PM
- Friendlytown Comedy Show / Objekt, Pilot Light, 7:30 PM / 9:00 PM, Free / $8
- DJ Earl Grae and Friends / Sinister Sessions, Scruffy City Hall, 9:00 PM
- Monday Blues Jam, Bar Marley, 9:00 PM – Midnight
- The Brother Burn Mountain, Barley’s, 10:00 PM
- TV Mike & The Scarecrowes, Preservation Pub, 10:00 PM
Tuesday, April 18
- WDVX Blue Plate Special: La Terza Classe / TV Mike and the Scarecrowes, Visitor Center, Noon, Free
- Volunteer Reception, Knoxville Museum of Art, 5:30 PM
- Singer/Songwriter Open Mic, Preservation Pub, 7:00 PM – 10:00 PM
- Old Time Jam with Sarah Pirkle, Boyd’s Jig and Reel, 7:15 PM
- Lady Parts- TBA!, DreamBikes, 7:30 PM – 9:00 PM
- Steel Panther, The Concourse at The International, 8:00 PM, $22 – $45
- Cards Against HumaniTuesday, Bar Marley, 8:00 PM – 11:00 PM
- Einstein Simplified Comedy Improv Show, Scruffy City Hall, 8:00 PM
- Time, Pilot Light, 8:00 PM, $5
- La Terza Classe, Preservation Pub, 10:00 PM
- Lost Fiddle String Band, Barley’s, 10:00 PM