I mentioned recently that the time between the announcement of a business opening or moving and the actual opening or move sometimes seems interminable. Most often the original plans meet delays and complications which adds to the wait. Such has been the case for Remedy Coffee which has moved from its original location on Jackson Avenue to its new location at 800 Tyson.
In the original article about the move, Sean and Sara indicated that they hoped to open November 1, the day after their former lease expired. Entangled in the efforts was the fact that the couple is also opening Maker’s Donuts next door to the new Remedy location. When I first wrote about Maker’s, they’d expressed hopes of having it open this past summer.

The two dove-tailed and the new idea was to have them open simultaneously. Sean said it got to a point that opening both at the same time overwhelmed them and he felt a need to focus on Remedy first, get it open and right, and then open Makers. The gap between the two openings should not be large as Maker’s is very close to ready. Remedy, being a slightly simpler space and having a set of employees ready and waiting, was the obvious choice to go first.
As you can see in the photographs, the new location is open, bright and inviting. Seating includes community seating eight tables for groups of old or new friends to gather, as well as smaller tables and comfortable chairs. It’s more of an industrial space than the previous location with larger windows and exposed pipes. The light is really spectacular.

You’ll find old friends behind the counter as all eight baristas from the other location have made the move. You’ll find two of them working together at any given time in an effort to make the service even better than before. The group is excited about the counter space which they were able to design to work efficiently since the space was empty, as opposed to adapting a space which had a previous use.
They will continue to serve Intelligentsia Coffee, but I have to tell you, it tastes better than ever before. Sean tells me this is likely because they purchased completely new and better equipment for the new location. A wider selection of bean coffees and a selection of chocolate bars will be available for purchase. Mer-Mer’s Bakery will continue to supply the fresh baked goods. Acoustic music and an open mic reading night are under consideration.

You’ll find them behind Dixie Kitchens just off Broadway. Tyson runs between Dixie Kitchen and Old Gray Cemetery. Parking runs all along Tyson for a long, long way, so that should be easy. Maker’s will open soon at the adjacent address and an outdoor patio will be available in the spring.
The coffee shop officially opens tomorrow morning with hours running 7:00 AM to 7:00 PM Monday through Saturday. They will be closed on Sunday initially, but they may consider expanding hours to include all days. A big blow-out grand opening should be expected First Friday in January. Come check out the new location and show your support as Sara and Sean continue to do cool things in the community.
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