A Half-Dozen and One Changes Happening in the City

Marble Alley Construction, Knoxville, Spring 2015
Marble Alley Construction, Knoxville, Spring 2015

I feel we’ve reached one of those points where I need to catch everyone up on a large number of changes happening around the city. These aren’t things that would necessarily make headlines themselves – some are bigger news than others – but taken together they show a city rapidly changing. Some of them are the kind of thing that once they’ve happened it might be hard to remember what went before. So, here they are in no particular order and without much elaboration.

The first item is pictured above and is probably the biggest thing going. Marble Alley is racing to completion and should be ready for residents in the not-so-distant future. I’m fascinated to see if the addition of 250 units into downtown sates the demand or quickly gets absorbed and the demand continues to out-pace supply. It’s the largest test we’ve had so far.

Scott West, Scruffy City Hall Rooftop, Knoxville, Spring 2015
Scott West, Scruffy City Hall Rooftop, Knoxville, Spring 2015
Scruffy City Hall Rooftop, Knoxville, Spring 2015
Scruffy City Hall Rooftop, Knoxville, Spring 2015

Scruffy City Hall now has rooftop seating and a bar is being built. This is one of those little stories that will likely grow into a larger story. The plans for this rooftop are pretty fantastic. Remember the World Grotto? Imagine it on a rooftop.

Strong Alley, Knoxville, Spring 2015
Strong Alley, Knoxville, Spring 2015

The scene above is not unusual for Strong Alley, located between Market Square and Gay Street. Since the art was first added nearly a couple of years ago it is often full and very rarely empty. And that’s with some pretty rough patches of poor drainage, uneven pavement and more. What would happen if the surface was converted to scored concrete, cool gas lighting was added and a few other touches? A make-over is included in the budget and a design is coming soon. This one will grow into a larger article. Expect more in late summer.

The Impeccable Pig, 23 Market Square, Knoxville, Spring 2015
The Impeccable Pig, 23 Market Square, Knoxville, Spring 2015
The Impeccable Pig, 23 Market Square, Knoxville, Spring 2015
The Impeccable Pig, 23 Market Square, Knoxville, Spring 2015
The Impeccable Pig, 23 Market Square, Knoxville, Spring 2015
The Impeccable Pig, 23 Market Square, Knoxville, Spring 2015
The Impeccable Pig, 23 Market Square, Knoxville, Spring 2015
The Impeccable Pig, 23 Market Square, Knoxville, Spring 2015

The Impeccable Pig opened within the last couple of weeks at 23 Market Square. It’s the spot last inhabited by the Peanut Shop. Check them out.

John H. Daniel Building, Jackson Avenue, Spring 2015
John H. Daniel Building, Jackson Avenue, Spring 2015

I rounded the corner in the Old City to this sight. At first I couldn’t figure out what seemed so odd. It’s the old John H. Daniel building, which is moving along its way toward residences (and I hope retail on the street), but I knew that already. Then it hit me: The transformers and power lines and all the obstructions to the sidewalk are gone. This is going to be a major face-lift to the Old City. I’m thinking the Old City is heating up in a pretty major way.

Adorn Interiors, Central Street, Knoxville, Spring 2015
Adorn Decor and Company, Central Street, Knoxville, Spring 2015

I also learned that the Interior shop formerly known as Mango’s is now “Adorn Decor and Company.” Same owner, great furniture and other interior pieces. Go to their FB page and give them a “like,” but most of all, go to the store and check them out. They are just down from the Urban Bar and Grill in the same space as The Melting Pot.

KUB Meter on the sidewalk, Knoxville, Spring 2015
KUB Meter on the sidewalk, Knoxville, Spring 2015

I’ll end with this one. I’ve seen a couple of these on the street, recently. I think this one is on Central Street just around the corner from Emory Place. Maybe they’ve always been configured that way, but does anyone else see a problem with this design? I’m going to bust a knee-cap at some point.

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