Well, I can’t resist them. I know I posted a batch recently, but this was supposed to be the biggest snow in eighteen years. It’s highly doubtful I’ll be taking downtown photographs for you guys eighteen years from now, so it seemed I should rise to the occasion.

This was actually a much more pleasant snow to photograph than last time. There was more of it, so it was prettier, but also the temperatures were much more moderate. The last snow came with temperatures in the teens and a howling wind. This time the temperature hovered in the low thirties with little wind, so it was pleasant, as winter days go, and my camera balked less often.

The only thing that made this time around difficult was that the window for photographing was small and a misty snow fell most of the time. The mist wasn’t enough to hurt closer shots, but distance didn’t work so well, for me. I suspect I could have done better with better equipment, but that will come later.

I really tried to get to some places I missed last time. One thing that made this time around better was the fact that the trees and limbs were so perfectly coated with snow. The window was brief, however. I got out around 8:00 AM and by 10:00 AM, as I returned home, the sun was out and the snow was disappearing rapidly.

I’m planning to post another group of photographs tomorrow. They are just too pretty to never be seen. And I know I’m posting too many photographs per post, but I can’t help it. I hope you see some you like.

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