Postcards from the City, Late 2013

Knoxville Skyline, Autumn 2013
Knoxville Skyline, Autumn 2013

As I do periodically, here’s a baker’s dozen of images that caught my attention this past fall. I love taking images of interesting people in general in the city, but particularly of children in the city. Something about their youthful joy and innocence juxtaposed with the grittiness of a city environment appeals to me as a subject.

Girl Giving Tip to Buskers, Knoxville, Autumn 2013
Girl Giving Tip to Buskers, Knoxville, Autumn 2013
Beautiful Sisters, Knoxville, Autumn 2013
Beautiful Sisters, Knoxville, Autumn 2013
Beautiful Sisters, Knoxville, Autumn 2013
Beautiful Sisters, Knoxville, Autumn 2013

Of course, there are other things here. Long-term readers will remember how much I liked “Flow Mojo,” one of the sculptures from several years ago from our Art in Public Places program. This one was purchased by KAT and resides near their Church Street facility. Also, I took a photograph when out walking in that area of the little “leaning” seats. They take up less space, but allow a person to take some weight off the old feet. Pretty cool.

Flow Mojo, Kat Center, Knoxville, Autumn 2013
Flow Mojo, Kat Center, Knoxville, Autumn 2013
New Leaning Benches, KAT Center, Knoxville, Autumn 2013
New Leaning Benches, KAT Center, Knoxville, Autumn 2013

One of my favorite things to do when I have time is to sit in the center of Market Square and watch for interesting people to photograph. So far no one has punched me for being a stalker and I sometimes capture some beautiful people like this father and child. I originally labeled the photograph “father and daughter,” but realized I have no idea if it is a son or daughter. I love the tenderness between the two and something about the way he is dressed as he walks the child is visually appealing to me. These are two of my favorite recent shots.

Father and Child, Market Square, Knoxville, Autumn 2013
Father and Child, Market Square, Knoxville, Autumn 2013
Father and Child, Market Square, Knoxville, Autumn 2013
Father and Child, Market Square, Knoxville, Autumn 2013

I always notice interesting vehicles and have probably slipped some of them into the blog multiple times as I see them out again. This roadster was pretty striking and attracted quite a bit of attention on the street.

Roadster, Union Avenue, Knoxville, Autumn 2013
Roadster, Union Avenue, Knoxville, Autumn 2013
Roadster, Union Avenue, Knoxville, Autumn 2013
Roadster, Union Avenue, Knoxville, Autumn 2013

Urban Woman and I enjoyed the Daylight Nights Block Parties about as much as anything this past fall. Held on the third Thursday of each month outside the Daylight Building, the event is pretty simple: Food, friends and occasional music. Pretty simple, but pretty hard to bring it all together in a perfect way and that’s what seems to happen at each of these little events.

Daylight Nights Block Party, Knoxville, Autumn 2013
Daylight Nights Block Party, Knoxville, Autumn 2013

So, that’s about it. I always have one sitting around of Urban Girl. Here she is in one – that’s right, she has multiples – of her princess dresses playing at Fort Kid. If the rumors of its demise are true, this is one sweet child in the city who will miss it. She loves that place. I’ll end with that and a little love for your winter’s day.

Urban Girl at Fort Kid, Knoxville, Autumn 2013
Urban Girl at Fort Kid, Knoxville, Autumn 2013
LOVE, Market Square Stage, Knoxville, Autumn 2013
LOVE, Market Square Stage, Knoxville, Autumn 2013


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