A Beautiful Autumn Weekend in the City

Cutie on the Street, Market Square Farmers' Market, Knoxville, November, 2013
Cutie on the Street, Market Square Farmers’ Market, Knoxville, November, 2013

I hope you were able to get outside this weekend. The weather in Knoxville was just about perfect, though maybe a bit cool for some on Saturday. That just made it a perfect day for chili after being out and about. Urban Woman served it up for some Auburn guests who happened to stop by.

Cutie, Too, on the Street, Market Square Farmers' Market, Knoxville, November 2013
Cutie, Too, on the Street, Market Square Farmers’ Market, Knoxville, November 2013
Java Coffee, Market Square Farmers' Market, Knoxville, November 2013
Java Coffee, Market Square Farmers’ Market, Knoxville, November 2013

We rested up Friday evening and hit it hard Saturday morning. The Market Square Farmers’ Market is a bit truncated by the ending of growing season and the advent of the ice skating rink which takes up half its space. Still, there were plenty of good vegetables, food trucks, baked goods and music around. We listened a bit to Subtle Clutch and I enjoyed my weekly Java Coffee. It just smells so good I can’t help it.

Subtle Clutch, Market Square, Knoxville, November 2013
Subtle Clutch, Market Square, Knoxville, November 2013

The Auburn fans really added a touch to the weekend. For one thing, there seemed to be more of them than any of the other visiting fans this year, or at least it seemed that way to me. I was told UT didn’t sell as many tickets as they wanted and they sent extras to Auburn. It looked to be true. They all seemed very nice and mingled with the Vols, as fare as I could tell, without incident. I’ve had some pretty unpleasant trips to Auburn, but I suspect your traveling fans may be a bit more classy. They seemed more dressed up, too. Is that coming back?

Auburn Friends in Town For the Game, Knoxville, November 2013
Auburn Friends in Town For the Game, Knoxville, November 2013

After enjoying the aforementioned chili with some friends from Auburn, we headed out to a great night of music, which I’ll talk about in another post, but the Auburn presence continued into the night. It’s nice to see fans not rushing out of town after the game. I saw them all evening from Market Square to the Old City, eating, drinking, shopping and enjoying Knoxville. One told me the city reminds her of Savannah. I’ll take that.

Runners after a Sunday Race, Market Square, Knoxville, November 2013
Runners after a Sunday Race, Market Square, Knoxville, November 2013
Chopper on Union Avenue, Knoxville, November 2013
Chopper on Union Avenue, Knoxville, November 2013


Sunday on Market Square I enjoyed several buskers.

Young Busker on Market Square, Knoxville, November 2013
Young Busker on Market Square, Knoxville, November 2013

I talked to another busker whose talent level isn’t bad, but who isn’t as developed. He said he never knows. He’s played for two hours on Market Square and made five dollars and he’s played on Market Square for two hours and made forty dollars. On this day he hit somewhere in between. Still, as one of them told me, if you love playing music, there’s not a much better way to spend your day.


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