Friday Free-For-All

Sam Hatmaker, Market Square Stage, Knoxville, Summer 2013
Sam Hatmaker, Market Square Stage, Knoxville, Summer 2013

Today I’m going with some images that never quite rose to the level of needing their own blog, but which I wanted to work in at some point. I’ll start with Sam (Samantha) Hatmaker who you see pictured above. I took these photographs when she played the Market Square Stage a few weeks ago. I’m sure she is a very nice and talented young lady, but I wasn’t taken with the performance. At the risk of being accused of picking on a child, I’ll tell you why.

Sam Hatmaker, Market Square Stage, Knoxville, Summer 2013
Sam Hatmaker, Market Square Stage, Knoxville, Summer 2013

First, the music hurt my ears because of volume. I first noticed it a block from Market Square and realized immediately it was one of the loudest concerts I’d heard from the stage there – and I’ve heard dozens, if not hundreds, including probably 80% or more of all the Sundown in the City concerts. I have no idea why the volume was necessary and I understand nearby residents complained. A couple who read this blog were packing up and leaving as I arrived because it hurt there ears so much.

Also, the music seemed to my ears to sound the same in the way that most contemporary country music sounds the same. In general I find that popular country music today lacks any sort of serious soul, has the same shallow lyrics and really isn’t “country” music at all. It isn’t the child’s fault. She’s probably very talented and will be collecting Grammies when I’m dead and gone.

Elvis Mural on Gay Street, Knoxville, Summer 2013
Elvis Mural on Gay Street, Knoxville, Summer 2013
Flowers by Gregory's Greenhouse, 100 Block of Gay Street, Knoxville, Summer 2013
Flowers by Gregory’s Greenhouse, 100 Block of Gay Street, Knoxville, Summer 2013

Otherwise in this post you see things I’ve enjoyed or that made me smile this summer: I love the Elvis art on the walk-through in front of the JC Penney Building. I’ve also enjoyed the flowers on the 100 block of Gay Street. The new acoustic bench may or may not reduce the noise at Suttree’s, but it’s pretty cool, don’t you think?

Flowers by Gregory's Greenhouse, 100 Block of Gay Street, Knoxville, Summer 2013
Flowers by Gregory’s Greenhouse, 100 Block of Gay Street, Knoxville, Summer 2013
Acoustic Seating at Suttree's, Knoxville, Summer 2013
Acoustic Seating at Suttree’s, Knoxville, Summer 2013
Market Square Farmers' Market, Knoxville, Summer 2013
Market Square Farmers’ Market, Knoxville, Summer 2013

The Market Square Farmers’ Market is fabulous, as always (thank you Charlotte Tolley), I continue to find random cool vehicles along the way and I always enjoy the creative signs that downtown merchants put out on the street. I really does amaze me how many well-done signs are out everyday. I mean, how do so many business owners also happen to be talented at making daily signs? When they are clever they get bonus points and I thought the two pictured here fit that category.

Jake and Bill in an Alley, Knoxville, Summer 2013
Jake and Bill in an Alley, Knoxville, Summer 2013
Sign Outside Casual Pint, Knoxville, Summer 2013
Sign Outside Casual Pint, Knoxville, Summer 2013
Sign Outside Nothing Too Fancy, Knoxville, Summer 2013
Sign Outside Nothing Too Fancy, Knoxville, Summer 2013

Finally, Visit Knoxville seems to be trying to improve their image and I found them on the Market Square Stage offering iced tea with a smile. Rocking chairs got plenty of action from passersby and it added a friendly face for any tourists passing by. I wish they’d do more of this kind of thing. Maybe they would take up the ambassador idea I mentioned a couple of days ago.

Visit Knoxville on Market Square, Summer 2013
Visit Knoxville on Market Square, Summer 2013
Visit Knoxville on Market Square, Summer 2013
Visit Knoxville on Market Square, Summer 2013

Have a great weekend, everybody.


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