Let’s Take It a Little Easy

For the last several months I’ve written a post a day through the week nearly every weekday. I enjoy writing about what I see in the city and I know from the e-mails and comments that many of you appreciate what I do – and that’s what makes it worthwhile. That said, I’m going to take it down a few notches for the coming weeks.

The city seems to have slowed a bit under the summer heat and, honestly, I’m a bit tired. Two to four hours generally go into each post and that, for most of the year, comes at the end of a work day. My family has also required a large amount of attention in recent months and I’ve often blogged about Knoxville while sitting in my parent’s home in Mobile, so it’s often been very difficult to keep up the pace.

I hope each of you have a great July 4 holiday. I’ll be back after that, it will just be at a little slower pace for a while. Try not to sweat too much in the meantime and be careful with those fireworks.

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