Knox Heritage Salvage Show, 36 Market Square, Knoxville, April 2012
As I said in my last post, there was far too much going on last Friday night to cover it in one post. I’m struggling to cover it in three. Today I’ll focus on the Second Annual Knox Heritage Salvage Show held at 36 Market Square and other events in what used to be called “Uptown.” I’ll head to the other end of South Gay Street to the 100 Block in tomorrow’s post for coverage of the widest assortment of events and activities of the night.
Table made from bed frame and ceiling tiles by Brian Wagner
Knox Heritage Salvage Show, 36 Market Square, Knoxville, April 2012
Knox Heritage Salvage Show, 36 Market Square, Knoxville, April 2012
Knox Heritage promotes preservation of historic sites and, in this case, re-purposing of various architectural or structural elements into works of art. The art was displayed on the second floor of 36 Market Square courtesy of Ken and Brenda Mills, the owners of the building. Here’s hoping this space isn’t available for next year’s event, but rather is filled with businesses of one sort or another.
Knox Heritage Salvage Show, 36 Market Square, Knoxville, April 2012
Candlesticks from wooden rail spindles by Ryan Burgess
I loved this piece, but didn’t catch the artist’s name. Anyone know?
The show included objects large and small, practical and whimsical. In some cases the raw materials and their former purpose were obvious; in other cases, not so much. Some were beautiful, some were funky, but they were all fun to examine and discuss and a large, revolving crowd did just that. There was wine, food, many smaller objects for sale and people generally enjoying each other for a good cause.
Knox Heritage Salvage Show, 36 Market Square, Knoxville, April 2012
Some people just need to be photographed
After looking through the Salvage Show we stopped by Sapphire on Gay Street for Hannah Green‘s art showcase. I’m drawn to her art and repulsed by it. It generally includes nude females and lots of blood and I suspect it is intended to be disturbing. She was very gracious to allow me to take her photograph.
Sapphire, Gay Street, Knoxville, April 2012
Hannah Green and her art at Sapphire
Classical Musician at Art Market
The Art Market, Gay Street, Knoxville, April 2012
We stopped by the Art Market to see what was new there. It is a cooperative effort staffed by the artists whose work is on display, so it’s always fun to stop in and talk to the person behind the counter. I often find great gifts there and they have generally excellent music on First Fridays. Most of the time it is jazz, but this time around a very talented young woman played classical pieces on a cello.
Cobra on Gay Street, Knoxville, April 2012
Cobra on Gay Street, Knoxville, April 2012
Les Miserables on Gay Street, Knoxville, April 2012
As we walked toward the 100 Block we saw my favorite vehicle in recent memory and enjoyed a Les Miserables Bomb laid on the outdoor diners at Downtown Grill. I’m assuming this was a cast group. It was really cool and I think appreciated by the surprised audience.
Jazz at Coolato Gelato, Gay Street, Knoxville, April 2012
The 100 block of Gay Street will require a post of its own, but I ended the night back in the uptown area with some fun jazz at Coolato Gelato (they played my guiltiest pleasure song: “Girl from Ipanema.” I just can’t here it enough.)
French Market, Gay Street, Knoxville, April 2012
Entrance to Krutch Park Extension, Gay Street, Knoxville, April 2012
I took a couple of photographs of favorite spots: The French Market where we enjoyed a crepe and the cool weather the next morning and Coffee and Chocolate, which is always a great spot to shut down the night.
Coffee and Chocolate, Union Avenue, Knoxville, April 2012
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