The Market at Union and Gay opened just last summer after the closing of General Store in the same spot a few months earlier. It opened as one part convenience store, one part grocery store (which has general groceries and specialty items), one part huge beer selection and one part meat counter.
I was very excited and Urban Woman and I shopped there for almost all our meat, inevitably picking up other items on our way to the door. Then, overnight, the meat disappeared. With that went our primary reason for shopping there since we try to support Just Ripe and minus the meat, there just wasn’t the pull to put out the effort to walk there. The meat was spectacular, grass-fed beef, pork chops, chicken, stuffed-peppers, ground meat and seafood. Apparently they could not sell enough of the higher-priced, high-quality meat.
Sign in front of The Market at Union and Gay
Deli window in The Market at Union and Gay, Knoxville
So, the experiment ended quickly. Bacon continued to be stocked – including Benton’s which is nothing to sneer at. Promises were made that meat would return, but the months passed without so much as a hamburger patty. Two or three weeks ago that began changing with the appearance of frozen beef from Grainger County. The steaks we’ve had have been great. But that wasn’t what we’d had before.
This week a deli opened in the spot once occupied by the meat. Some things are the same. Hedi, for example, is still the guiding hand and it was nice to see her back. The cases are the same, but the contents have changed. She said they are having trouble finding a vendor for fresh, organic meat.
Meats and cheeses at The Market at Union and Gay, Knoxville
Salads at The Market at Union and Gay, Knoxville
In its place is an array of deli meats and cheeses, as well as confections made from scratch. A wide range of salads are offered and deli sandwiches are built to order for $6.50. Urban Woman had the Market Club on sourdough bread and sang its virtues. I had the Cancun Wrap which is made with chicken and a spicy sauce. With the cheddar cheese I requested, it was extremely good and way more than enough for a meal. Of course, I ate it all.
I also bought a small container of broccoli salad and another of antipasto salad. I enjoyed them both, but I have to say the antipasto salad was awesome. The provolone cheese and salami were absolutely delicious. They have both for sale in their larger forms.
Deli Prices at The Market at Union and Gay, Knoxville
Confections at The Market at Union and Gay, Knoxville
Hedi said they are still looking to stock some fresh meat but, so far, they haven’t had any luck. In the meantime, they’ve got great salads and deli sandwiches. The confections looked delicious and they also carry a list of $4.99 sandwiches which includes Pimento cheese. I’ve been told their pimento cheese might be the best this particular source had ever tasted.
Answers to your sweet-tooth at The Market at Union and Gay
Cancun Wrap, Broccoli and Antipasto salads (Plate not included)
Drop by and pick up some of the new food. Introduce yourself to Hedi and tell her this strange blogger guy sent you. She’ll know who you mean immediately. Mostly, please support the businesses you’d like to keep around. They need your help to continue making our life in the city the wonderful adventure it has become.
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