Sunday in the City: Spring Continues to Hover and Tease

Sunshine, Short Sleeves and one Cool Bell, Market Square, Knoxville, January 2011

Young Couples, Strollers and a Warm January Day, Knoxville 2011

If Saturday was a nice day, Sunday was even better. Temperatures that struggled to get out of the thirties just last week, drifted into the sixties as if they were meant to be there. People walked around the city in short sleeves, young couples pushed strollers about the square and bikers pulled out the Harleys.

Fancy Bikes and High Handlebars, Knoxville, January 2011

Fifth Floor, Fire Street Lofts, Old City, Knoxville, January 2011

How do you ride a bike with handle bars that high? Couples with no obvious fear of heights leisurely sipped drinks in the sun while sitting on their decks many stories above the street.

See? It’s a Train Mural. I know you see a garbage can. Cool. Look over here. . .

It was a good day for looking at train murals. It was a good day for looking at trains and train stations.

It was a good day to pretend that the good weather would last, that living would be this easy in the weeks to come, that winter had lost its grip, rather than simply loosening it for a couple of days. It was a good day for dreaming in the city.

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