Market Square on a warm January Day, Knoxville 2011
There was more going on this weekend than music, of course. Downtown and all of east Tennessee was beset by a wonderful, if transitory, warming. People all over downtown got out into the streets and the parks to experience what was only a fading memory: sunshine and 60 degree temperatures.
Shiny Happy People Having Fun at Dazzo’s (Camera shy owner Gavin Loyer in the background)
It felt like a heat wave. Restaurants, streets and squares filled with people in shirt sleeves (some of them short) celebrating one of our patented east Tennessee days of grace in the middle of winter.
Great Dane Rescue Group strolled through the square
The grim expressions of the few brave souls on the streets in the last few weeks were replaced by big smiles on the faces of both residents and visitors from the suburbs who knew, if only briefly, how to be thankful for such a gift. Why not join us the next warm day? The photographs below were my favorites from the day.
Girl outside Preservation Pub, Market Square, Knoxville, January 2011
Girl outside Preservation Pub, Market Square, Knoxville, January 2011
Girl outside Preservation Pub, Market Square, Knoxville, January 2011