First Friday Sights

For this one, I’ll just bring you pictures with little more than orientation commentary. It was a fun First Friday. I’m always taken off guard by what happens. I knew about the opening of the Transportation Center, but I had no idea that the night on Market Square would have a theme. It was called the Freedom Spirit Festival 2010 whose Facebook page advertised: “You can look forward to ART, live MUSIC, KIDS ZONE, HOLISTIC BOOTHS, FREE LECTURES, YOGA, JEWELRY, REIKI, ANGEL READINGS, BELLY DANCERS, DRUMMING CIRCLE.. and more to come!”

It was interesting, for sure. Lots of tie-dye, incense, jam music and drumming. Ironically, we usually have a bigger drum circle on the regular First Friday’s, so I’m not sure what’s up with that. Here are the pictures:

Professional ladies out on the town pose with the ladies who paved the way.
Fizz jewelry opened for the evening. Next month for real. (Best wishes
 to the owner who endured the night with the flu.)
Groovy Band in Krutch Park
Hula Girl!
Gotchyer Hawgs!
“Tell Me Where It Hurts” Hmm.
Shakespeare among the tie-dye.
Nothing but the best for First Friday!
Taylor spreads rose petals while patrons at P. Pub sip a beverage.
Vendors and customers
Ferd and friend at WDVX. A still photo does not do that boy justice.

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