Daylight, Again

Someday a researcher writing the definitive history of the Daylight Building, will note August 1, 2010 as the first day residents inhabited the building on Union Avenue. The construction on the front, retail, side of the building certainly would give no indication that this is a building ready for residents, but the work on the inside must be much more advanced. The first person moved in around 8:00. I didn’t catch her name, but I told her she made history and encouraged her to wave to the camera. She did. See:

She probably thought I was crazy, but it is just such a relief to see people in the building who aren’t wearing hardhats. The stream of movers soon followed and what appeared to be a very large group of college students staked their various claims. I’m guessing the population of downtown Knoxville swelled by at least a couple of dozen in one day. The moving trucks were gone by sundown, along with parents and friends who helped them move. I’m glad they are here and they should be glad to be living in such a cool place for their college days. Now if we can just get the other part of the building finished!

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