Many of you may be scratching your heads at the caption, not knowing Rikki Hall or the title of his column which is now also the title of a new collection of his writing and...
The Knoxville Botanical Garden and Arboretum is another of those near-downtown jewels like Ijams, the Urban Wilderness, Fort Dickerson and House Mountain. This particular gem sits about five minutes by car to the east of downtown in...
Even though today’s morning temperatures may not acknowledge it, the truth is spring has sprung and it’s one of the most beautiful times to live in east Tennessee. Don’t let the perfect days or afternoons pass...
I had only the vaguest notion of the game. It turns out Bocce has been around for a couple of thousand years in some form (thank the Romans) and developed into its most common form in modern...
My article earlier this week about panhandling elicited more comments than any article I’ve written in over a year, and perhaps ever. For the most part, I think the conversation was really good. Panhandling is a...
It’s a tired topic to some of us. The first time I wrote about panhandling was in November 2010 after starting this blog in June of that year. I ran a series of sorts, talking...
Some of these may be obvious to those of you who are downtown often, but I bet one or two of them might surprise a lot of people who think they know downtown very well. We...
So what’s a day like in the city on a snowy day? There are probably as many answers to that as there are people who live downtown. Some had to get in a car and drive...
Happy Martin Luther King, Jr. birthday holiday, everyone. I hope you’ll take a moment to do something meaningful to note the occasion. A march will be held this morning for the hardy among us with...
This is another odd installment of Saturday Sounds. This isn’t about music, unless you want to call it the music of the city. The hums, crashes, screeches and general cacophony associated with a city. Have you...