It’s taken a couple of weeks, but the Liberty Building which used to sit at the corner of Walnut and Summer Place no longer sits there. Pieces of it lie about, but most of it has...
I’m sure that’s a question that burns in the minds of many Knoxville residents as they scurry past the place. You might be thinking I’ve lost my marbles, but this isn’t the first time I’ve suggested...
I wrote a couple of weeks ago about the business changes at the Southern Railway Train Station. In a comment, someone asked about the smaller and similar building next to it. The building is the old...
After a bit of a false start on New Year’s Eve, after numerous construction challenges, after a few battles for the design they wanted, Scott and Bernadette West officially launched Scruffy City Hall at 32 Market Square...
If you see an event I’ve missed and you’d like to plug, please comment below or e-mail me ( and I’ll try to add it. The list may, accordingly, be expanded through the week. Staying true...
I’ve heard some great music in recent months. The photographs here are from a show I saw last October in the Square Room, which remains one of the best listening rooms downtown. I’ll have more about...
Bradley Hamlett didn’t set out to be a chocolate mogul. Originally from Knoxville, he landed in Florida as a teenager. Hanging out on the beach and riding his bike about, he noticed a chocolate shop with...
As I do periodically, here’s a baker’s dozen of images that caught my attention this past fall. I love taking images of interesting people in general in the city, but particularly of children in the city....
It just over a year ago – in early January – that I took you inside Tailor Lofts, the former Arby’s Building at 430 South Gay. If you don’t remember what the place looked like, you...
As I reported last week, Rocky Top Crossfit is coming to 309 North Central Street just outside the Old City. At the time I reported it I had not been able to catch up with co-owner...