A new store opened last week in the Old City at 111 N. Central Street inside the same building as the Melting Pot. Featuring “upscale home decor at a competitive price,” the store sits on the...
It’s that time of year, again. This past Saturday the Zombie Apocalypse descended on Krutch Park for the 2014 Knoxville Zombie Walk. If you like the macabre or if you just enjoy amazing make-up jobs, or...
This weekend marked the rally to support Metro Pulse and/or protest the actions of Scripps to cease its publication and layoff all its employees. Since the announcement last Wednesday passions have run high across the city...
If you see an event I’ve missed and you’d like to plug, please comment below or e-mail me (knoxvilleurbanguy@gmail.com) and I’ll try to add it. The list may, accordingly, be expanded through the week. Staying true...
I’ve heard the term “complete streets” thrown about, including recently by the Urban Land Institute panel. Shortly after their visit city council scheduled a vote about “complete streets.” I found a couple of links that helped,...
I’ve planned for several days to write this post today about recent closures and losses. It’s fun highlighting the successes, the openings, the interesting people or just the simple progress and growth Knoxville shows every day...
The study panel from the Urban Land Institute made themselves completely clear in maintaining that the green space, though perceived by some to be underutilized, should be preserved, with none of it developed. Further, they want...
Let’s take a look at the Henley Street suggestions made by the Urban Land Institute. It’s interesting that Henley Street made a late addition to the list since city administrators and City Council have in the...
Anticipation built through the week last week as the Urban Institute panel worked overtime looking at sites around the city, interviewing interested parties and determining recommendations. Originally contracted to review the Supreme Court site and the...
If you see an event I’ve missed and you’d like to plug, please comment below or e-mail me (knoxvilleurbanguy@gmail.com) and I’ll try to add it. The list may, accordingly, be expanded through the week. Staying true...