Welcome to this year’s edition of downtown Christmas services. I’ll include services for Tuesday and Wednesday (Christmas Day) as best I can based on posted information. Please feel free to comment with corrections or additions. It is sometimes harder than you might imagine to put these service times together.
I hope you can look back on this year and find some happy memories, move through this holiday season with some element of joy, and look forward to happier times in the new year. However or whether you celebrate this season, look for time to be with the ones you love. Nothing is more important. Our staff will spend time with our families and rejoin you after Christmas.
Here’s the annual list of downtown Christmas services for those of you who might be interested.
All Souls Church (100 West Fifth Avenue): Christmas Eve: Christmas Eve Service, 5:00 pm to 6:00 pm
Awaken Old City Church (Awaken Coffee, 125 W. Jackson): None listed
Central United Methodist Church (201 East 3rd Avenue): None listed (A reader suggested they have services at 5 p.m. and 11 p.m. on Christmas Eve.)

Christmas Eve:
- 12:00 am – Traditional Christmas Eve Service
- 3 pm – 4:00 pm: Family Service geared toward families with small children
- 5:30 – 6:30 pm: Traditional Christmas Eve Service
- 7:00 pm: Online service becomes available on Youtube Channel
- 10:30 pm: Traditional Candlelight Communion service, prelude featuring a prelude by the Parish Adult Choir
City Church (522 Sevier Avenue): No Services Listed
Crossings (4 Market Square, Square Room): 4:00 pm: Christmas Eve Gathering in The Square Room (kids will participate in the gathering, no kids classes)

First Baptist Church (510 W. Main Street) Christmas Eve: Worship Service 5:00 pm

First Presbyterian Church (620 State Street) Christmas Eve: 5:00 pm Communion Family Candlelight Service, 10:30 pm Candlelight Service with Communion (Seasonal music starts at 10:00 pm)

Immaculate Conception Catholic Church (414 W. Vine) Christmas Eve, Mass at 4:00 pm* and 7:00 pm*, Christmas Day, Mass at 10:00 am* and 11:30 am
*Live Streamed via the church FB page.

Overcoming Believers Church (211 Harriet Tubman Street), Christmas Day: 10:00 am (one hour service)

St. John’s Episcopal Cathedral (413 W. Cumberland): Christmas Eve Services – Eucharist at 10:00 am, 2:00 pm, Choral Eucharist 5:30 pm and 10:45 p.m., Christmas Day: 10:00 am service (The 10 am, 5:30 pm, and 10:45 pm Services will be streamed LIVE on YouTube and broadcast locally by Knoxville Community Media. (KUB TV Channel 1019, Comcast ch 12, WOW! 6, and Charter 193)

The Point (211 W. Fifth Avenue) – Christmas Eve: 4:30 pm and 11:00 pm

St. John’s Lutheran Church (544 N. Broadway) Christmas Eve: 10:00 am Christmas Brunch and Communion Worship, 4:00 pm (Family Candlelight Common Worship), 5:30 pm (Candlelight, Communion, Worship) and 8:30 pm (Candlelight, Communion, Worship) Services streamed on Facebook and YouTube.
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